Last-minute: Belgian National at BOZAR and CONCERTGEBOUW

TWO different programs, TWO incredible concert halls (BOZAR and Concertgebouw), TWO magnificent soloists (Alexandre Kantorow and Stella Chen), all unexpectedly in less than ONE week... At very short notice Antony stepped in as the Belgian National Orchestra’s Incoming Music Director Designate for these two different programs, in attendance of Queen and King, live television, huge audiences - both inside and outside, live and online...!


VOLKSKRANT: "Alexandre Kantorow has such a beautiful attack"" ****

NRC: "The pace is good at summer evening concert full of cheerfulness" ****

TROUW: "Fenomenale pianist Alexandre Kantorow is ‘liszter’ dan Liszt" ****

BASIACONFUOCO: "Dirigent valt met groot succes in bij eigen orkest"

These concerts serve as an unexpected appetiser to his main season opening with the Belgian National at Bozar on 9 September (link), with soloist HILARY HAHN playing the Brahms Violin Concerto, work by Composer in Residence Wim Henderickx, and what promises to be a high-octane romp through Berlioz’ Symphonie Fantastique.


Antony Hermus